There's a blog post going around that has an interesting use of SSH
authorized_keys restrict + command:

If you don't want to follow the link, it basically uses the
well-documented authorized_keys feature to restrict a login for an ssh
key to invoking a single binary which logs the access attempt:

restrict,command="/usr/local/bin/honeypot_logger" ssh-rsa AAAA1C8...32Tv==

Without devolving into an argument about the efficacy of honey keys or
honey pots in general, I'm wondering if this is truly safe from a
security perspective to run on a regular server (not a dedicated honey
pot). Is there anything that an attacker can control that 'restrict'
does not cover, assuming the targeted command is a shell script?
Perhaps with a malicious SSH client as well? By the man page,
'restrict' turns on all restrictions available to the authorized_keys
configuration, but it's not clear if that is really sufficient for
this attack scenario.

Apologies if you feel this is off-topic for the mailing list, but
there's no general OpenSSH discussion list anymore listed on the
openssh site.


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