[Cross-posted to misc & ports as I'm not sure if there's a bug in software or in wetware.]

I'm trying to run nmap (from ports) on 6.5-STABLE but am getting an ungoogle-able error message every time:

root@bgpmirror:~# nmap -Pn -A -n --top-ports=100 -6 2620:132:300e:700::113
  Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-07-22 09:43 CDT
  sendmsg: Message too long
  sendmsg: Message too long
  [...continues like this for a really long time...]

Interspersed semi-randomly (not always at the same point) I also see mixed in there a single occurrence:

  sendmsg: Message too long
  sendmsg: Bad address
  Unable to send packet in probe_transmission_handler: Bad address (14)
  sendmsg: Invalid argument
Unable to send packet in probe_transmission_handler: Invalid argument (22)
  sendmsg: Message too long
Unable to send packet in probe_transmission_handler: Message too long (40)
  sendmsg: Message too long

Performing a similar scan on an IPv4 address works as expected. This appears to be a v6-specific problem.

Known issue?


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