On 8/14/19 9:40 PM, Tito Mari Francis Escano wrote:
Hi Jordan,

Thanks for replying. I apologize I forgot to mention that I was asking for the web and database spec because this will be an on-premise deployment, cloud platforms are out of the equation. I hope this will clarify my concern asking for server specification for a web and database server that won't have high traffic but will have a long run.

Thanks again.

On 15/08/2019 12:27 PM, Jordan Geoghegan wrote:

On 8/14/19 7:56 PM, Tito Mari Francis Escano wrote:
Hi to everyone at misc,

I'm recently working on an OpenBSD-based PHP7 web application with PostgreSQL-backend for a local government agency and was wondering what would you recommend as the acceptable server specification. This web application won't reach the Google or Facebook level of visits per day, but I was hoping to prepare this be deployed and run for quite a long time and ready for about 60,000 visits per day at most.

Your advise and recommendation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

I don't have much experience running php apps in production, but I have run a Django app in production using httpd and Postgres. Using a basic 4 core VM from Vultr, benchmarks showed it was able to serve over 4000 requests per second. With those kind of numbers you could easily serve over a million hits per day. It didn't have a lot of complex DB activity going on, so the benchmarks were more testing httpd and Djangos throughput, but I digress. If you cluster your servers, you should be able to hit far more.


If you're only planning on serving ~60,000 hits a day, any modern server should suit your needs adequately. I'm sure others on misc@ are far more well versed in hardware than I am, but I've had good success with Dell and HP machines in the past. Any recent sever should do. A single socket 8 core server and 64GB of ECC ram and some RAID-1 backed SSD storage should treat you well. I'm no expert when it comes to DB architecture, but I imaging fast storage and high frequency cores would be the name of the game there.



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