On 2019-09-07, James Huddle <james.r.hud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently purchased a Dell T-330 server that I had intended to
> install OpenBSD on and use as a serious web server.  My goal was to
> have more control than would be (naturally) given with, say an AWS VM.
> And by control, I mean what is *not* running on the box - security-wise.
> Apparently, Dell ships these with an abundance of "security features"
> already on the box.  And not a lot of obvious opt-outs.  And a proclivity
> not not understand that "no means no" in regard to turning off these
> features.
> One of which used 60% of (one of 8) processors, all the time.  Constantly
> running
> one of my processors at 60% - as long as it was powered up.

I don't think that is from some hidden "security feature".
Where is the CPU use showing up? Can you send output from "top -Sn",
"vmstat -i" and a complete dmesg?

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