On 2006/02/15 05:58, Fred. wrote:
> Even if it is working, adding/managing over 5000 users to master.passwd file
> is not suitable. I have already a server (LDAP) for user management.   

It might not be as bad as you think. You can build your passwd files
from a 'header' section and something pulled by ldapsearch or a script
that accesses ldap itself to generate the rest.

The flat file isn't used for handling authentication, spwd.db and pwd.db
are used instead.

> Why openbsd does not support "first look up ldap server for both
> username and password, then use local password file" ?

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you need
nsswitch and/or PAM for that type of thing, neither of which are in

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