On 2019-09-20, Hrvoje Popovski <hrv...@srce.hr> wrote:
> Hi all,
> if i have "alias" directive in hostname.if with dot-notation netmask and
> networks are in 10/8 or 172.16/12 it seems i'm getting classless /8 or
> /16 networks ...

hostname.if(5) format is weird and a bit annoying, the word "netmask"
is added to the ifconfig command for "inet alias" but not for bare
"alias" which is passed directly to ifconfig and results in it using the
standard netmask for the class of address holding the network.

> but if i have "inet alias" or "alias" with cidr notation netmaks in
> hostname.if everything seems fine and classful :)

that's passed as a single argument to ifconfig which treats it as you'd

> i'm not sure if this is intentional or not so i'm reporting it here on
> misc@

mostly intentional I think, still annoying though!

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