Search the opensmtpd mailing list archives. I believe someone posted an awk 
script that does this or at least something similar.

Good luck,

On Oct 4, 2019 3:08 AM, Jon Arlund <> wrote:
> Hi misc,
> I was delighted to see the inclusion of OpenSMTPD filters in the latest 
> snapshot.
> Knowing this has been a frequently requested feature, does someone know 
> if/how filters could be used to implement domain rewriting/masquerading of 
> the From header in the DATA section?
> I know the "senders" parameter in combination with the "masquerade" option is 
> capable of rewriting the From header for authenticated users. Unfortunately, 
> we still have legacy systems that don't support SMTP authentication but are 
> allowed to relay messages based on their IP address.
> Any information will be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Jon

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