On Wed, 6 Nov 2019, Oliver Leaver-Smith wrote:

The use case I have is for a novel which should require less formatting
than a technical book, so I should be able to retrofit that after once
I have investigated the many tools mentioned in the thread.

Plain TeX would mean in that case a simple text file with few formatting
tags, for example for italics and boldface. Then you can generate
a postcript file with tex and dvips commands and print it, if you want.
Later you can perfectionate it.

To read the first pages of "The TeXBook" would be enough for the beginning,
and you find a pdf version googling for it.

nroff is interesting, because is a unix standard from the beginning
and (in the meantime only almost) everywhhere, but is more complicated
to learn, the source less readable, and the result not better.


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