On Dec 31, 2019, at 08:30, Roderick <hru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As said, I had UW imap serving system user mailboxes, and now
> cyrus imap serving virtual users. You have to decide. With
> dovecot I have no other experience than compiling it.
> I think, I would preffer now UW Imap, because I have only few and trusted
> users, and because it is very simple, no much configuration and 
> mantainance needed: it just publishes the mailboxes with imap,
> accessed with the system user/password.

So I’ve been running Dovecot for I don’t know how long (but started on Solaris, 
so at least that long ago).  I used to have LDAP running, but decided it was 
overkill since I’m the only one who logs into the boxes, the other three people 
only read email.

Dovecot can seem complex, but it’s not at all.  It pretty much works out of the 
box, with very few changes necessary (and works well with Lets Encrypt certs as 

My first OpenBSD configuration was based on 

My next will be based on 
 because I want to used rspamd instead of all the stuff loaded in the first 
(for some reason, one of the daemons doesn’t start on boot — it does if I start 
it manually.  Frankly, my machine never reboots, so I keep forgetting even 
which one it is that doesn’t start.).  I got a little tripped up doing the 6.4 
migration, so I have some catching up to do.

Looking at 
https://www.tumfatig.net/20150620/opensmtpd-and-dovecot-on-openbsd-5-7/, it’s a 
little too copy-pasta for my taste.   But even so, it doesn’t configure dovecot 
for non-system users, so it’s unclear how virtual users were set up with 

Anyway, having run UW imap, cyrus, and dovecot — I run dovecot.  I also use 
sdbox, BTW, which I believe no one but ancient MH people use.  My non-default 
configs are pretty much limited to per-host configuration (like hostname), 
sieve and SSL.

I think the biggest hurdle was getting used to LMTP.


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