On 1/1/20 9:08 pm, Marc Espie wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 10:36:15PM +0100, Anders Andersson wrote:
>> Of course its age is showing in some areas but in my experience, those
>> things are actually still worked on, and have been fixed without major
>> incompatibilities (python3 anyone?).
> The only thing that's really missing in perl is proper thread support.
> Don't know if that's going to happen.

To be fair, Python and NodeJS are pretty terrible at threading too.
Python has the Global Interpreter Lock.  NodeJS has worker threads, but
they're pretty limited in what they can do IIRC compared to the main thread.

Depending on what you're doing, this can matter a lot, or very little.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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