On Sun, 5 Jan 2020 14:47:15 +0100
"lu hu" <luhu8...@mail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> http://man.openbsd.org/sshd_config#PermitRootLogin
> says
> ...The default is prohibit-password.
> If this option is set to prohibit-password (or its deprecated alias,
> without-password), password and keyboard-interactive authentication
> are disabled for root.
> SO:
> if I remove the PermitRootLogin line from sshd_config, then rcctl
> restart sshd, then why can I see
> 66# sshd -T|grep -i permitr
> permitrootlogin yes
> 66#
> instead of prohibit-password ?
> Thanks!

Was the deleted one the only “PermitRootLogin” line in your

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