On 1/8/20 12:44 PM, Tom Smyth wrote:
As far as im aware there are 2 concerns about ZFS,
1) its license  is not BSD /ISC  you can use it and make money and not be sued,
but it is more restrictive than BSD / ISC

Yes, CDDL seems to be a no go based on past CDDL discussion which is available for example in Star & OpenBSD thread on @tech:

2) then there is the Number of Lines of code, which I believe is far longer than
the OpenBSD code base,  who and what team would manage the
introduction of that code
and the risks that come with that  large a code base.

Need to correct you a bit:

ZFS: ~110k lines
XFS: ~95k lines
Ext4: ~38k lines

while OpenBSD src/sys alone:
~3.7mil lines where majority is in dev. But if I subtract drm code which is probably the biggest contribution in dev (~1.7 mil lines), then I still get roughly 2 mil lines of code in sys -- which is just part of base.

LInes counted by sloccount.

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