On 16.01.2020 13:20, infoomatic wrote:
what do you want to achieve?

If you want to access the array from OpenBSD then I see no possibility
with this configuration.

If you want a dual-boot system I suggest you configure the 4-disk raid
in OpenBSD and in arch linux you could use a VM and use hardware
passthrough to access the data.

Am 16.01.20 um 13:10 schrieb Shadrock Uhuru:
i have just configured my 4 disk raid 10 array with mdadm,
the filesystem is ext4 unencrypted
and arch is installed on a separate disk,
do i need to reconfigure mkinitcpio.conf for my md array so that the
array is assembled and started at boot,
all the examples i've seen have arch installed on the raid array
including the example in tne wiki
i have not reboot the new array yet so i would like to make sure
everything necessary is configure before i do that.


please accept my apoligies this was for the arch maillist


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