On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 12:45:56PM -0500, Allan Streib wrote:
I used to use xxxterm, then xombrero, and really liked the minimal
approach and keyboard driven navigation.

Any other former users of this browser, what are you using today to
achieve any of this functionality in your browser?

Have used Luakit for a while as a secondary browser alongside Firefox.
OpenBSD's package is up to date and there are even stable updates for
webkitgtk4 nowadays.  However, Luakit development has stalled lately,
judging by https://github.com/luakit/luakit/commits/develop.

Might want to look at https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl or
https://github.com/lusakasa/saka-key.  Have tried the former and didn't
quite fancy it.  Have just discovered the latter one, giving it a try…

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