On Tue, Feb 04, 2020 at 12:33:18AM +0200, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> Hi,
> OK, maybe this query should be for another mailing list.
> Getting mail to my BSD 6.4 server has been an issue. I have Postfix
> running. The mail is fetched by fetchmail. As far as I know both
> .fetchmailrc and /etc/aliases are correct.
> But the 550 message shows in maillog when the mail has come in and is
> then shown going out to my ISP's smtp server for user@localhost which
> of course rejects this as an undeliverable address. It does not get put
> into the mailbox at all.
> Surely this is some small stupid thing beyond my ken! If someone can
> point me in the right direction I would be very grateful.
> Perhaps part of the issue is that the name part of the email address to
> the server is not the same as the name of the user that it is to be
> delivered to. I am about to revise that to simplify things, though
> hoping a small correction somewhere might make that unnecessary.

If I understand you correct:

mail fetched by fetchmail has a recipient address like *@localhost and
the mail is then relayed to your smarthost (ISP's smtp server) and
rejected there?

I think your mydestination setting is wrong and is missing localhost
or did you mess up transport?

Hard to say without config parts and logs.


PS: OpenBSD 6.4 is no longer supported

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