Den ons 5 feb. 2020 kl 21:01 skrev Riccardo Giuntoli <>:

> I'm setting up a roadwarrior type ikev2 secure connection from .es to .uk.
> root@ganesha:/etc# cat hostname.enc0
> root@smigol:/etc# cat hostname.enc0
> inet
> up

Why are you setting up hostname.enc0?
What guide is recommending you to do that?

> I cannot find solution in Internet and the real think is that in many
> others post people copy and paste packets and this error is visible but no
> one think that is in effect an error or do not speak about.

Please set a vpn up like the openbsd faq on IPSec VPNs shows, and take it
from there.
It never mentions adding ip to enc0 (and that is not the purpose of enc0)
so I don't see why you should.

enc(4) is a debug and filtering tool not a config part of vpns.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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