On 2020-03-21, putridsou...@gmail.com <putridsou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm have never tried the ports system before. 
> I have read through the faq and the man pages, 
> but I get stuck at building dependencies. 
> I follow through the fetch,checksum steps and then
> for 'make prepare' as local user, 
> I'm greeted with following message. 
> This is for the 'rsnapshot' package

You have had some other answers about how to do this from the
ports infrastructure, but I'm not sure if anyone checked: are you
just trying to *use* rsnapshot (or whatever else)? If so, there's
no benefit to building from ports. You will just end up building
a load of things that you don't otherwise need as build
dependencies, wasting time and electricity, and the end result
will be the same anyway.

Unless you want to make changes to the port then there's very
little reason to do anything other than just pkg_add.

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