
I am currently facing the following problem:

I have a server with two interfaces:

- em1 (Outbound / facing the Internet)
- em0 (Internal use / LAN)
  (additionally: vlan1000 - parentdev is em0)

The server runs OpenBSD 6.6-stable with the latest
syspatches installed and rebooted to the patched kernel.

I assigned one address of the /56 my provider gave me
to em1. Let's say it looks like this (obfuscated):

Prefix = 2a02:aaaa:bbbb:cc00::/56
Gateway (provider) = 2a02:aaaa:bbbb:cc00::1

I assigned to em1:


### /etc/hostname.em1 ###

inet6 2a02:aaaa:bbbb:cc00::2 56
!route add -inet6 default 2a02:aaaa:bbbb:cc00::1


This far, everything works (inbound and outbound IPv6 connectivity).

In the next step I took a /64 from that range and assigned an address to
the vlan1000 interface:


### /etc/hostname.em0 ###



### /etc/hostname.vlan1000 ###

inet vnetid 1000 parent em0
inet6 2a02:aaaa:bbbb:ccff:dead::1 64


This worked "somehow" (e.g. for a short period of time)
"Worked" means: This address was reachable from the outside world
and vice versa.

After it stopped working I did a reboot and then it worked again
(for a limited amount of time)

All i can see (from tcpdump) is that the provider gateway sends NDP
solicitations, asking for 2a02:aaaa:bbbb:ccff:dead::1
But no replies are appearing.

The same behaviour occurs independently from either

- pf disabled
- allowing anything IPv6 related (icmp-v6 etc.)

I already enabled net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_debug but nothing shows up in

Has anyone encountered this as well and/or has hints on
how to solve this?

Thank you very much for your time.

Best regards,


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