
infoomatic wrote on Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 05:41:44PM +0200:

> I suggest you read on the documentation instead of throwing one-line
> questions to the mailing list.
> The documentation is excellent, just look for the information you need.
> https://man.openbsd.org/

So far, so good.

> https://openports.se/

But please do not recommend openports.se for use with OpenBSD.

That is a NetBSD site.  OpenBSD and NetBSD are different operating
systems and work differently in several respects.  That includes
significant differences in how the ports trees work.  The software
running on openports.se doesn't properly understand the OpenBSD
ports tree, often resulting in incomplete and misleading statements
being presented on that site.

Rather than taking chances and getting hurt using openports.se,
people should use the official sources of information, in
particular the following OpenBSD ports:

portslist-7.27      full list of pkgpaths in ports
sqlports-7.27       sqlite database of ports
pkglocatedb-1.5     database of packages for use with locate(1)

See also:  https://man.openbsd.org/pkg_locate.1


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