Den tors 16 apr. 2020 kl 20:22 skrev Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri <>:

> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 11:14:59AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > That is a lot of words to cover a simple concept:
> >
> > The specific random values are selected when cron(5) loads
> > the crontab file. New numbers are chosen when crontab -e is used.
> > If you understand that, the conclusions are obvious.
> Ah. Good. Then I know the restrictions.  The random times are random,
> but fixed for the lifetime of the cron daemon (or until the crontab is
> reloaded due to being edited).

It would be very weird otherwise, if the 24h random example was used, then
it chose 00:01,
ran your "bin/true" command and then re-randomized, it would most certainly
end up wanting
to run again, perhaps twice or more. So if it re-randomized after each
it would have to keep a 24h timer going (in your example, a per-week, a
per-month timer also)
to make sure the newly randomized 11:12 time is actually tomorrows 11:12
and not the upcoming
one in this day. Also, re-randomization would also mean it could start your
one hour backup at 23:59
and once more in 00:01 the next day, which would cause lots of unexpected
chaos for anyone expecting
a daily one-hour job to not collide with itself.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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