On 2020-04-25 15:00, bofh wrote:
> Hi,
> I searched through the archives and saw a couple of discussions about using
> Dnsmasq from a long time ago.
> Is that the best way to let the stuff in my home to have valid dns entries
> in my home network?
> How difficult is it to get the OpenBSD provided dhcpd and unbound to do
> this?
> Thanks.


This person wrote a little perl script that parsed the dhcpd lease file
and wrote a Dan Bernstein TinyDNS data file.  A number of years ago, he
put an ISC license on it...and apparently since took it off his website.

I managed to rework it to put out NSD compatible zone files,

I think this is much preferable to running a package for this, but your
opinion may vary.  I'd show my code, but it currently runs as root, and
that's just wrong (it should probably use nsd-control(8) to reload nsd.
My code should probably also create a reverse DNS file, but I've not missed
that enough to worry about it). I've been using this script, first As Is,
but now with NSD for over 15 years.


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