On 4/30/20 1:19 PM, Chad Hoolie wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using httpd with acme-client and Let's Encrypt 
> (https://www.romanzolotarev.com/openbsd/acme-client.html).
> This setup, however, only seems to support TLS 1.2, whereas TLS 1.3 is needed 
> to achieve A+ ratings across the board.
> Anybody know how to make the upgrade?
> --Chad
protocols string Specify the TLS protocols to enable for this server.   
If not specified, the value "default" will be used (secure protocols; 
TLSv1.2-only).  Refer to the tls_config_parse_protocols(3) function for 
other valid protocol string values.

Valid keywords are tlsv1.0, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.3, all (all
supported protocols),

untested, but seems pretty self-explanatory.

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