
thanks to everyone who sent me tips and ideas about the topic.

At the moment I am testing "negated table" approach, which seems to work fine:

block log all
pass in on $vlan_guests from $vlan:guests:network to ! <unroutable>

...where table <unroutable> is list of subnets I don't want to be reachable from guest vlan (basically <martians> table from pf FAQ).

I have also been testing "table with negated records" approach, which also seems to work fine

block log all
pass in on $vlan_guests from $vlan:guests:network to <routable>

...where routable is list of negated subnets I don't want to be reachable from guest vlan (basically <martians> table from pf FAQ but with negated records, plus on top). Could it be that pf FAQ is outdated about shouldn't be used in tables? pfctl has no problem adding, removing and listing subnet in tables.

I'll test some more and send some feedback.
Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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