Hi Clarence,

On 5/20/20 7:35 PM, man Chan wrote:
> Can anyone show me some pointer to study openvpn and setup step by step ?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? A VPN server, a VPN home
router or just connecting a single machine to a commercial VPN provider
...? For the latter, https://ipredator.se/guide/openvpn/openbsd/native
was very helpful for me.

Anyway, it may be a good start to read the OpenBSD VPN FAQ
IKED seems to be a good choice for many use cases.

And of course, Peter Hansteen's "Book of PF" is a must read, although
unfortunately, it doesn't mention VPN. But since PF is an essential part
of OpenBSD's networking, I found it very helpful to at least read the
first couple of chapters in order to get an idea of how things work in

I have to admit that - for the time being - I gave up my efforts to
build a VPN home router based on OpenBSD, since I ran out of time to
find enough information to build it in a reliably safe way. Basically
I'd prefer to stick to some lines of PF magic instead of throwing the
big IKED at my humble task.

Good luck!

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