On Tue, Jun 02, 2020 at 01:48:33PM +0000, RT wrote:

> I have already gone through the autoinstall man page but I didn't understand 
> how to do that using local(offline without the TFTP server) file(do I need to 
> write rewrite the bsd.rd and include the install.conf file? from 
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=141552533922277&w=2)

As the ramdisk is embedded in bsd.rd, if you want to do a local autoinstall
you need to create a bsd.rd file that contains a ramdisk with your
install.conf in there, under the name /auto_install.conf (as described in

The link you gave describes a good method of doing that, and nowadays it's
easier because rdsetroot is part of the base system so you don't even need
to build it.


Jurjen Oskam

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