On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 11:44:57AM +0200, Gabriel George POPA wrote:
> No, I am not. But freshclam runs as user _clamav (I think this should be 
> no problem).
> Maybe I have a problem with my DNS? Or with file/directory permissons? 
> It's the first time this happens and I really don't know what
> to do... (I really need this antivirus filter).
> I've set the debug flag and the verbose output of freshclam is (I must 
> mention that the following output is obtained when logged as root
> on the system console - well, after su to root (i.e. su -), because only 
> normal users can login directly on the console and I login as a normal
> user - in the wheel group - and then su -):
> Current working dir is /var/db/clamav
> Max retries == 3
> ClamAV update process started at Sat Feb 25 11:32:39 2006
> Querying current.cvd.clamav.net
> TTL: 256
> Software version from DNS: 0.88
> LibClamAV debug: Can't open CVD file main.cvd
> ERROR: Can't get information about db.ro.clamav.net: Host not found
> Connection with db.ro.clamav.net (IP: ???) failed.
> Trying again in 5 secs...
> ClamAV update process started at Sat Feb 25 11:32:44 2006
> Querying current.cvd.clamav.net
> TTL: 251
> Software version from DNS: 0.88
> LibClamAV debug: Can't open CVD file main.cvd
> ERROR: Can't get information about db.ro.clamav.net: Host not found
> Connection with db.ro.clamav.net (IP: ???) failed.
> Trying again in 5 secs...
> ClamAV update process started at Sat Feb 25 11:32:49 2006
> Querying current.cvd.clamav.net
> TTL: 246
>  ETC, ETC...
> and then (at the end, some output skipped):
> TTL: 236
> Software version from DNS: 0.88
> LibClamAV debug: Can't open CVD file main.cvd
> ERROR: Can't get information about database.clamav.net: Host not found
> Connection with database.clamav.net (IP: ???) failed.
> Giving up on database.clamav.net...
> ERROR: Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors 
> listed in freshclam.conf is working.
> Freeing option list...done
> Now, an even stranger problem! I open X11 (I'm running Windowmaker 
> 0.80.1), then I start an xterm (of course, I run X as an usual user),
> then I do a "su -" and I switch to the root account. As a result to the 
> freshclam command I receive (commands included):
>  # echo ${USER}
>  root
>  # freshclam --version
>  LibClamAV debug: Can't open CVD file /var/db/clamav/daily.cvd
>  ClamAV 0.88
>  #
> Is there someone who had this problem or who can tell me where should I 
> look in order to solve the problem? I started to think that there is
> a problem with the port of clamav (although, other people would have 
> signalled the problem as well...). The packages that I have installed (and
> that might have something to do with my problem:
> curl-7.15.1
> clamav-0.88
> clamsmtp-1.4.1
> Maybe there's only a depency/version mismatch.

Just a guess, but could it be that your pf configuration only allow
outgoing DNS queries to the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf? freshclam
makes DNS queries to some other servers, too.


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