On 2020-08-17 06:06, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> With the recent news. I decided to take a look again at Firefox and after a 
>> days
>> use on multiple systems, it even seems to be faster than Chrome.
>> I notice significant work on pledge support. Does anyone know if it's 
>> comparable
>> to Chrome on that front now or still held back by not being designed with
>> isolation in mind?

> Run "ps -O pledge" with both running and see what you think. (Shorter
> pledge list = more restricted).

I see, nice, pledge is ace, Thank You

Darn it. I'm sure I saw an article saying Firefox isolation is comparable to
Chrome on Windows now. I guess they simply meant it uses similar tech at a high
level, on Windows.

Also not clear if rlbox has gone further than testing a widely unused
libGraphite on Linux yet. Perhaps rlbox has complexity issues.


Back to Chrome for me then.

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