Hi all,
  I'm having some trouble getting wireguard to work nicely.

Goal: Try to give public ipv6 addresses to my wireguard peers.

How I've tried to tackle it is by giving the ip6 to the peer and
then adding a route to the peer for the ipv6.

My vps (peer A) has ipv6 subet - 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::0/64

And I give peer A on wg0 the address - 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::6942:6/112
I give peer B has been given ipv6 - 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::6942:6/128

I've used wg-quick for now so when I try to get the route 

(peer A)$ route get 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::6942:6
   route to: 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::6942:6
destination: 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::6942:6
       mask: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
  interface: wg0
 if address: 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::6942:17
   priority: 8 (static)
      flags: <UP,HOST,DONE,STATIC>
     use       mtu    expire
      15         0         0

Everything seems fine for now, as I am also able to ping peer B from peer A!

But when I ping from any computer from outside the wireguard network 
I don't get any pings back.

When I try to do some debugging via tcpdump on vio0 (egress interface)

(peer A)$ tcpdump -inet6 -i vio0 icmp6
15:23:04.918459 fe80::fc00:2ff:feee:5248 > ff02::1:ff42:6: icmp6: neighbor sol: 
who has 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::6942:6

(a lot of such lines)

I am not sure what is happening here.
Is adding a route to peer B on peer A not enough?
Am unsure how to go about getting this to work >.<
Any help would be nice.


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