On 2020-08-27, Andreas Menge <me...@tropos.de> wrote:

> I try to wrap my head around why the FAQ 
> (https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#softraidFDEkeydisk) says that one 
> should create a backup of the keydisk with bs=8192 and skip=1.
> From the FAQ:
> # dd bs=8192 skip=1 if=/dev/rsd1a of=backup-keydisk.img
> # dd bs=8192 seek=1 if=backup-keydisk.img of=/dev/rsd1a

This copies the relevant softraid meta data.

> My personal inclination was to just dd the whole disk (like dd if=/dev/rsd1c) 
> ...

That works, but it means the disks will now share the same disklabel
with the same size (even if the USB sticks differ in size), the
same label, the same "unique" disk ID.  That won't matter for their
use as keydisk, but if you ever re-use them for something else
later, you'll need to remember to recreate the disklabel or weird
things may happen.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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