On 27/8/20 6:17 am, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> On 8/26/20 3:08 PM, Chris Bennett wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 12:28:00PM -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
>>> Text-only was great in 1985. 
>> And it's still pretty badass in 2020.
>> I really love the way company networks are brought down by a little
>> helpful Javascript in an HTML email.
> I truly HATE HTML emails.
> Anyone that needs HTML emails really have nothing interesting to say as
> it add absolutely NOTHING to the conversation and is useless.
> I would gladly live in 1985 for ever if that mean I don't have to deal
> with the bulky crap of HTML emails.

I think there are use cases where HTML is valid, but it's also overkill.
 Yes, sometimes it is useful to have some limited formatting, tables and
inline images have their benefits.

That's about where it ends.  I'm the only one in my workplace that uses
plain-text email.  I think it more professional to send an email that is
safely viewable everywhere, rather than to send emails that require
unsafe options to be turned on (I don't care if said options are
normally turned on by default).

That said, I've struck numerous companies that seriously need the IT
security clue-by-four to come a-visiting.


That's my take on the situation… when you consider the amount that has
been "bolted on" to HTML over the past 28 years, then you consider that
many people use a fully-fledged web browser to access their email (via a
web-based client), the security implications of that are scary.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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