> On Sep 4, 2020, at 11:28 AM, Brian Brombacher <br...@planetunix.net> wrote:
>> On Sep 4, 2020, at 10:51 AM, Tommy Nevtelen <to...@nevtelen.com> wrote:
>> Hi there misc!
>> Is there an external pfctl linter? we have bunch pf firwalls for which we 
>> generate rules but also write some manual ones that get merged. Would be 
>> nice if we could lint the rules before committed to vcs.. (yes we test 
>> before they are applied on the machines as well but that is way too late in 
>> a sane pipeline imho)

Sane pipeline... :)

Developer machine: can that securely run pfctl -n?  Linter is great... but 
there’s a ton more involved.

>> Problem is that pfctl expects that all interfaces and everything is correct 
>> (which makes sense for pfctl before loading). BUT it is hard to run on a 
>> build machine or my laptop to get a general idea on where I'm at (unless I'm 
>> missing some tricks somewhere)
> Can the build machine securely request each server run pfctl -n -f 
> temp_config ?
> That would verify it’ll load for sure on said server.
>> So I've been looking into parse.y in pfctl. It's been a long time since I've 
>> messed around with very simple yacc stuff so kind of lost.
>> Has anyone done anything like this? Would be good to know before I sink more 
>> time into this (and probably fail) :)
>> /T

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