On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 05:44:17PM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:

Hello Jan,

> Presumably, as the default -s size is picked, and the camera cannot do 30
> fps in that size, -r 20 is chosen instead.
> If that's correct, the default size in effect overrides a specified rate.
> Is that intended?
> It doesn't seem to be the least surprise: the command line specifies the
> rate, and doesn't care about the size.
> Would it be preferable if video(1) chose -s 640x360 in that case, at 30
> fps, obeying the command line option?

IMHO, there's no way to not surprise users: users (naively, if reasonably)
want both big sizes and high frame rates, but that's generally impractical
for (uncompressed) YUY2. It *might* be more reasonable to throw an error if
everything specified can't be delivered.

However, there's a probably deeper point here. IMHO, video(1) isn't really a
sensible tool for viewing or recording video as it can't access a camera's
MJPEG mode (assuming the camera has one!) without ld tricks. In general, I
suggest that people use ffplay/ffmpeg (or something similar). Stefan Hagen
has been trying to put together an FAQ entry explaining webcam use on
OpenBSD [1].


[1] https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=160053691513681&w=2

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