I gotta comment..

>> The tool makes essential use of the execpromises argument
>> to pledge(2), so that it can sandbox the program it executes.
>This appears to conflict with the basic idea of pledge(2), which
>is for the *programmer* to first do simple preparatory work that
>requires full syscall access, then pledge(2) according to a precise
>understanding of what the program is supposed to do during normal
>operation.  Usually, it is not possible to properly pledge(2) a
>program without designing it for pledge(2), sometimes called

In the simplest cases, pledge removes some support operations, in
particular relating options hiding under ioctl.  More complicated
pledge use cases follow a "successive drop" feature as program
initialization starts.

With this kind of pledge-from-parent, the sophisticated cases are

Sadly, almost all programs bigger than "cat" or "more" require a
huge pledge for initalization, especially if they do accept environment
variables (themselves or in libc), or use the network.  So the pledge
will always be huge.

>As a corollary, pledging a program from the outside,
>without changing the code that is compiled, usually does not
>provide significant benefit.

I agree.  I wrote a command like this myself, when I developed the
execpromises featureset.  I am ready to delete exec promises because
I consider it a failed experiment.

I found that useful application was extremely rare.  I could not even
use execpromises properly in programs like "disklabel -E" to control
the behaviour of the $EDITOR.

I've been down this road before, and it doesn't work.  You can come
to this conclusion by finding a program, and trying *absolutely everything*
it does, including environment variables and file openings and such that
the libraries do.  You'll begin with optimism, but eventually add more and
more pledges.

There's one more thing I want to mention:  pledge("shitload of options")
intentionally is a non-POSIX compliant environment.  Command line users
won't understand the edge conditions.

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