Hey folks,

I've noticed some surprising behaviour from cmp(1) when using the '-s' flag.

It appears that cmp -s is ignoring the byte offset arguments I'm giving it.

I don't want to waste time babbling, so here's an example snippet to show what 
I'm talking about:


echo 'my line' > /tmp/1.txt
echo 'my other line' >> /tmp/1.txt
echo 'same same' >> /tmp/1.txt

echo 'my differnt line' > /tmp/2.txt
echo 'my other different line' >> /tmp/2.txt
echo 'same same' >> /tmp/2.txt

# Determine byte offsets (we only want to compare lines >= 3)
offset1="$(head -2 /tmp/1.txt | wc -c)"
offset2="$(head -2 /tmp/2.txt | wc -c)"

# Compare files and show exit code
cmp /tmp/1.txt /tmp/2.txt "$offset1" "$offset2"
printf '\nReturn code = %s\n' "$?"

cmp -s /tmp/1.txt /tmp/2.txt "$offset1" "$offset2"
printf '\nReturn code with "-s" = %s\n' "$?"

As you can see, 'cmp -s' returns an exit code of '1', unlike cmp without the 
'-s' which returns '0'.

Not sure what to make of this, I noticed this same behaviour on DragonflyBSD 
and FreeBSD, so maybe I'm just missing something obvious. This certainly caused 
some frustration before I figured out what was going on.



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