
sharing some information for the devs

just did a sysupgrade of a -current amd64 machine
X (only, sent me back to login screen of xenodm) crashed 2x already
running only dwm and firefox-esr

machine is:
hw.product=Zephyrus G GU502DU_GA502DU

iGPU is:
amdgpu0: PICASSO 10 CU rev 0x01

dmesg error:
[drm] *ERROR* ring sdma0 timeout, signaled seq=402, emitted seq=402
[drm] *ERROR* Process information: process  pid 0 thread Xorg pid 50457
[drm] *ERROR* ring gfx timeout, but soft recovered
[drm] *ERROR* Error in DP aux read transaction, not writing source specific data
[drm] *ERROR* ring sdma0 timeout, signaled seq=1197, emitted seq=1197
[drm] *ERROR* Process information: process  pid 0 thread  pid 0
[drm] *ERROR* Error in DP aux read transaction, not writing source specific data

amdgpu-firmware-20201218 firmware binary images for amdgpu(4) driver

kern.version=OpenBSD 6.8-current (GENERIC.MP) #286: Thu Jan 21 09:31:59 MST 2021

~ rgc

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