
the guys at corellium can boot the Linux kernel and also Ubuntu Linux on a arm based mac mini. Some details can be found at: https://corellium.com/blog/linux-m1

Some details sound strange:
"...If that wasn't enough, Apple designed their own interrupt controller, the Apple Interrupt Controller (AIC), not compatible with either of the major ARM GIC standards. And not only that: the timer interrupts - normally connected to a regular per-CPU interrupt on ARM - are instead routed to the FIQ, an abstruse architectural feature, seen more frequently in the old 32-bit ARM days. Naturally, Linux kernel did not support delivering any interrupts via the FIQ path, so we had to add that..."

Best regards,

On 12/3/20 8:35 AM, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
On Thu, Dec 03, 2020 at 03:18:54AM +0200, Mihai Popescu wrote:

I have only good wishes for the project, but I still don't get one thing:
why do some people start to behave oddly whenever Apple comes into
They are doing a proprietary thing, closed as hell, no documentation and so
on. Why is this impulse to write code for such a thing. Just asking ...

It's a new interesting ARM platform with very good performance. Yes,
it is closed but it's also kind of a nice challenge to overcome that
hurdle. So mixed feelings about that part.


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