I looked into the IO issue, one hint is found with

export OMPI_MCA_io_base_verbose=40
mpirun -np 1 -H localhost:1 ./mpitest
 mca: base: components_open: found loaded component ompio
 mca: base: components_open: component ompio open function successful
 mca: base: components_open: found loaded component romio321
 mca: base: components_open: component romio321 open function successful

So in fact there are two IO components available: ompio and romio321. The
first is selected (and fails).  If you select the second, mpitest works:

$ mpirun -np 1 -H localhost:1 --mca io romio321 ./mpitest
This is process 1 / 1

You can make this permanent with

export OMPI_MCA_io=romio321

added to your login scripts.

HTH.  (OpenMPI is too complicated for it's own good.)


On 2021-02-03 09:51, j...@bitminer.ca wrote:
Hi Martin,

I haven't run into your MPI_File_open issue (don't use it), but
your code does fail for me too in the same way.

$> mpirun -np 1 -H localhost:1 ./fmpitest
fmpitest:/usr/local/lib/libmpi.so.5.0: ./fmpitest : WARNING:
    symbol(mpi_fortran_statuses_ignore_) size mismatch,
    relink your program
fmpitest:/usr/local/lib/libmpi.so.5.0: ./fmpitest : WARNING:
    symbol(mpi_fortran_status_ignore_) size mismatch,
    relink your program

The Fortran symbol error you see is common and I'm not sure of the
cause. I did look into it at one point and decided all definitions were
in fact identical, so it might be a weird compiler+linker issue.

It's never been symptomatic beyond the warning so I ignore it.


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