On 3/3/06, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> i have an sun workstation in hand and had never had a previous
> experience with sun hardare before. I would like redirect console to
> serial port. These machine are very old, and hardware documentation
> has been lost. It has a serial port, doesn't it?
> I was trying to get X working, but no lucky. Does anybody have openbsd
> 3.8 running on such hardware? Could you send your xorg.conf file?

I've run OpenBSD on both, however never with X so I can't help you
there, sorry. But as far as getting serial console to work, all you
have to do is make sure that a keyboard and monitor are NOT plugged
into the back, and a null-modem cable plugged into the serial port A,
and when you boot the box, it'll just work. The great thing about sun
boxes is the serial support, it "Just Works".


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