Hi folks,
thanks for everyone who replied on and off list,
I had not considered the console only user who uses audio also...
(I had not even considered this  so pardon my ignorance folks,
and thanks to Sebastian, Abel, and David for replying on and off list

I guess Ill just add rcctl disable sndiod to my deploy ment scripts
for my use cases :)

Thanks again to all who considered it


On Sun, 21 Feb 2021 at 14:28, Tom Smyth <tom.sm...@wirelessconnect.eu> wrote:
> Hi Sebastian
> I get users want to listen to audio but if the only hardware is a buzzer and 
> the user is not running x what are the chances they are using audio on the 
> console only ?
> I can keep running
> rcctl disable sndiod
> Post install
> I thought linking audio support on by default to x would make sense as it is 
> likely such system is for users who may need audio
> Just a thought
> Thanks
> On Sunday, 21 February 2021, Sebastian Benoit <benoit-li...@fb12.de> wrote:
>> Tom Smyth(tom.sm...@wirelessconnect.eu) on 2021.02.21 04:08:48 +0000:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I was wondering should sndiod (default) startup be determined based on
>> > whether or not
>> > it the install is a typical headless install (off) or  an install for
>> > a user machine with  running X
>> >
>> > is there a reason why one would need to run this daemon by default?
>> Because users want to listen to audio.
>> > my thinking is by having the service off by default would reduce the
>> > default attack surface of the OS ?
>> How big is that attack surface? And especially compared to X?
>> > perhaps the installer could use the answer to the question do you
>> > intend to run X   to determine whether or not to enable the sndiod
>> > daemon ?
>> The difference is that a running sndiod is not noticable to you. Running X
>> is - you dont have a console anymore on your screen.
>> Whereas a not running sndiod is noticable - no sound.
>> Next to security, we try to make it easy for people to use OpenBSD. Not
>> asking questions when not needed is just that.
>> /Benno
> --
> Kindest regards,
> Tom Smyth.

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth.

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