Thanks again. Here is the sha256 of bsd.rd:

106 King$ sha256sum bsd.rd 
9fb54e358cbc716b86acff277af176d534a039257c81b802bdc74c93ca48adf3 bsd.rd

47 PcEngines1# sha256 bsd.rd 
SHA256 (bsd.rd) = 

     On Friday, February 26, 2021, 09:26:40 PM EST, Theo de Raadt 
<> wrote:  
 Kenneth Hendrickson <> wrote:

> Thanks again Theo.
> > WARNING: / was not properly unmounted
> That is true for the disk in that system.

You don't understand the OpenBSD installed.  That / is the root filesystem
of the install-tool fileysystem inside the bsd.rd

It is corrupt.  Someone wrote to it.  Whatever happpened to the bsd.rd
you used is outside our control, because it has been modified.


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