On 2021-03-04, David Newman <dnew...@networktest.com> wrote:
> Apparently Apple iOS and iPadOS VPN clients now require a subjectAltName
> in the client cert, not just the CN, to set up IKEv2 VPN tunnels.* The
> subjectAltName can be the same as the CN; it just has to be present.

Most IKE software has always needed this. (Web browsers also recently-ish
started needing it too).

> Questions about this:
> 1. Does the 'ikectl ca <CAname> certificate <hostname> create' command
> support creation of X.509 certs with a subjectAltName defined in
> addition to the CN?
> If so, what's the syntax?

It does this by default.

> 2. Can a separate standalone CA just create the certs with the necessary
> SAN fields?


>             Is it as easy as just dropping the root cert, the client
> certs, and keys in these respective directories?
> /etc/iked/ca
> /etc/iked/certs
> /etc/iked/private
> If not, what else is needed? Thanks!

You don't need anything from the client (certificates or keys) on the server,
just the CA certificate, the server certificate, and the server private key.

This is fine if the certificates are signed directly by the CA (as would
often be the case if using your own standalone CA) but I haven't been able
to get this working for certs signed by an intermediate 'sub CA' as is
done for most commercial CAs.

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