> 24. mar. 2021 kl. 19:33 skrev jeanpierre 
> <jeanpie...@jeanpierredevilliers.xyz>:
> Does there exist an OpenBSD analogue for FreeBSD's blacklistd daemon?
> For the sake of completeness: blacklistd is a daemon that, using pf
> anchors, blocks connections from abusive hosts to parctiular services
> (e.g. sshd) until they start behaving themselves again.
> I find it very useful for timming down log files.

Not in the base system but you might want to take a peek at pf-badhosts 
(described among other places in this OpenBSD Journal article 
<https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20210119113425>) which should be 
fairly easy to adapt to using more or other sources such as the bsdly.net 
<http://bsdly.net/> feed maintained mainly by kind robots under supervision by 
yours truly (see 
<https://bsdly.blogspot.com/2018/08/badness-enumerated-by-robots.html> and 
links therein and in the proximity)


Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
http://bsdly.blogspot.com/ http://www.bsdly.net/ http://www.nuug.no/
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
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