On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 11:09:00PM +0200, Ulf Brosziewski wrote:
They are using them.  Which problems do you expect?  The "ClickFinger"
mechanism is the only feature of synaptics(4) that doesn't work properly
because MT data are missing.  Users that prefer synaptics(4) to wsmouse(4)
will turn the "ClickPad" option on, activate "soft-buttons" or tapping, and
that's it.

Okay, so it sounds like the recommended solution is to use either:
a. synaptics(4) with ClickPad and soft-buttons or tapping, or
b. use wsmouse(4)

Did I understand that right? How do people produce right- or middle-clicks with a) and tapping? (for trackpads that have no defined soft-button areas)

And to configure b), I assume that's just another set of xorg.conf configuration lines? or is there additional complexity I'm missing?

As to the default driver in wsmouse(4), it doesn't require any manual
configuration for clickpads, if you you are happy with soft-buttons (tapping
can be enabled).

That sounds good. But unlike some laptops, my clickpad doesn't have any defined soft-button areas. Maybe there is a way to define them?

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