Stuart Henderson <> writes:

> Seems that your terminal in X is not configured to run a login shell.
> By default that is done for xterm via .Xdefaults in a new user's profile
> directory (copied from /etc/skel) but if you use a different terminal
> or have modified these files, that won't be used.

With the caveat that I have not perused all possibly relevant configs on
my system, my install is fairly standard and my ~/.Xdefaults file has:

    ! $OpenBSD: dot.Xdefaults,v 1.3 2014/07/10 10:22:59 jasper Exp $

Yet if I run an xterm from my window manager (aweswome) it does not read
my ~/.profile. I worked around this by using the '-ls' argument to
xterm, but maybe that's hiding the real reason this is happening. I have
not tried any other window managers. For good measure, here is my

    xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
    xset +fp 
    autocutsel -fork &
    autocutsel -selection PRIMARY -fork &
    xset mouse 4/1 4
    xset r rate 200 50
    exec awesome


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