Bjorn, have a look at this from the opensmtpd mailling list.

The message from Eric has how to downgrade the smtpd listener to use all TLS and compatible ciphers.


On 13/05/2021 07:31, Bjorn Ketelaars wrote:
I have a smtpd config, which has been running for >1 year without a
hitch until now. All outgoing mail is forwarded to a remote SMTP server
using a config similar to an example in smtpd.conf(5).

Forwarding is failing because of "handshake failed: error:1404B410:SSL
routines:ST_CONNECT:sslv3 alert handshake failure" (see below for more
information). I'm running current (amd64) with an update frequency of
~twice a week. This error started popping up this weekend - before the
libssl/libtls/libcrypto bump. Error remains after the bump.

$ cat /etc/mail/smtpd.conf
table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table secrets file:/etc/mail/secrets

listen on lo0

action "local" mbox alias <aliases>
action "relay" relay host smtp+tls:// auth <secrets>

match from local for local action "local"
match from local for any action "relay"

I bisected libssl/libtls/libcrypto (checked all changes of the last 2
months) without solving my issue. I also checked smtpd, and found that
eric@'s work on moving smtpd to libtls [0] is related to my issue.
Reverting smtpd to a version prior to March 5 fixes it for me. Best
guess - probably a stupid one - is that the remote host changed
something causing SNI related issues.

Hints on how to further investigate the above are appreciated!


debug: scheduler: scheduling evp:2b97a598686ca143
debug: scheduler: evp:2b97a598686ca143 scheduled (mta)
debug: mta: querying smarthost for relay:<dynamic:0>...
debug: mta: querying smarthost
debug: mta: ... got smarthost for 2b97a598686ca143:
debug: mta: received evp:2b97a598686ca143 for <>
debug: mta: draining
refcount=1, ntask=1, nconnector=0, nconn=0
debug: mta: querying secret for
debug: mta: querying MX for
debug: mta:
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx] waiting
for MX secret
debug: control -> client: pipe closed
debug: clearing p=client, fd=11, pid=0
debug: mta: ... got secret for
debug: mta: draining
refcount=2, ntask=1, nconnector=0, nconn=0
debug: mta:
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx] waiting
for MX
debug: MXs for domain preference -1
        debug: mta: ... got mx (0x4c260099920,,
debug: mta: draining
refcount=1, ntask=1, nconnector=0, nconn=0
debug: mta: querying source for
debug: mta: ... got source for
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx]: []
debug: mta: new
debug: mta: connecting with
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for
debug: mta-routing: selecting candidate route [] <->
debug: mta-routing: spawning new connection on [] <->
debug: mta: 0x4c2600b96d0: spawned for relay
debug: mta: connecting with
debug: mta: cannot use
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx] before 2s
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
must wait a bit
debug: mta: retrying to connect on
in 2s...
debug: mta: draining
refcount=3, ntask=1, nconnector=1, nconn=1
debug: mta: scheduling relay
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx] in 1s...
9483c6637b224554 mta connecting address=smtp+tls://
9483c6637b224554 mta connected
debug: mta: 0x4c2600b96d0: IO error: handshake failed:
error:1404B410:SSL routines:ST_CONNECT:sslv3 alert handshake failure
9483c6637b224554 mta error reason=IO Error: handshake failed:
error:1404B410:SSL routines:ST_CONNECT:sslv3 alert handshake failure
debug: mta: 0x4c2600b96d0: session done

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