Jean-Pierre de Villiers <> writes:

> Personally, I would drop the keypairs you define and rename the
> certificates as 'localhost.crt' for and its subdomain and a
> certificate 'localhost:8082' for handling  Similarly,
> repeat this for the private keys as well.

I tried this out, but it didn't help ._.

Now it doesn't even appear to notice the certificates, as the output now
is just

        relayd -nvvv
        /etc/relayd.conf:43: cannot load certificates for relay secure

But "at least", it says "secure" instead of "secure4:443"?

I am wondering if this could be a bug? It appears to make no sense to

> No further configuration is needed after that.  See the description of
> 'keypair' under the PROTOCOLS section in relayd.conf(8).

That confuses me, as one the one hand the manual says

     The relay will attempt to look up a private key in
     /etc/ssl/private/name:port.key and a public certificate in
     /etc/ssl/name:port.crt, WHERE PORT IS THE SPECIFIED PORT THAT THE

which would mean that the certificate should be called localhost:443 (or, but then again the same paragraph says

     If not specified, a keypair will be loaded using the specified IP
     address of the relay as name.

Which I read as saying that it will try to use /etc/ssl/secure.key, in
my case. That obviously won't work, as I need different certificates for
different domains.

        Philip K.

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