On 2021-06-01, Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> wrote:
> If I had TCP keep alive turned on, both ends might tidy themselves up.  
> I can't enable that on the clients (various mail readers) or, 
> apparently, on the server configuration. I can't do it in PF because PF 
> just copies packets. I can't seem to do it in relayd either, though that 
> seems the obvious way to intercept the connection for this purpose.

It looks like courier-imap does enable SO_KEEPALIVE if available.
By default, keepalive timers are long; on a random Linux I had handy:

$ grep . /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_*

7200s (2h) initially, then every 75 seconds. (OpenBSD default times are
long too; 14400 "slowhz" intervals = also 2h). 

> Plan B is to build the latest courier-imap from source if I find the 
> time, but there may be no build option for this. I guess a single 
> setsockopt() call in the source would be enough, _if_ that can be done 
> on the accept end, which I haven't checked.

https://tldp.org/HOWTO/TCP-Keepalive-HOWTO/addsupport.html but I don't think
you'll need it.

So you probably just need to lower tcp_keepalive_time, and perhaps adjust
tcp_keepalive_intvl. Note there is a tradeoff especially with mobile
clients; they will need to wake and transmit more often, so faster
keepalives will result in more battery/data use. 

> Plan B0 might be to disable IMAP IDLE support. Hmm.

Depends on timings whether that will help; think it's a last ditch effort
though, I think it will make things noticably worse for clients.

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