Hello. I have an APU4D4 running OpenBSD and acting as a router for my
home network. It connects to the Internet via pppoe(4), which uses em(4)
as the physical interface.

The router has a /etc/hostname.wg0 file that connects it as a client to
my VPN provider on boot. Then, /etc/pf.conf has a nat-to rule for
WireGuard, for IP masquerading. Here's said rule:

match out on wg inet from !(wg:network) to any nat-to (wg:0)

In pf.conf(5), there's mention of this simple configuration
for bandwidth control:

queue outq on em0 bandwidth 9M max 9M flows 1024 qlimit 1024 \

I want to employ this rule. My question is, which interface is
appropriate to choose for queueing? pppoe0, em0, or wg0? I'd think wg0,
as I'm unsure how pf(4) would classify traffic otherwise. However, I'm
not confident in that conclusion, so I decided to ask.

If additional details are needed, I'm happy to provide them.


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