On 2021-06-22, Andrew Robertson <andrew.robert...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there any problem with putting ROOTBACKUP=1 in my weekly.local 
> instead of daily.local? I'm backing up to an SD card and it's maybe not 
> fast enough to back up in 24 hours, plus weekly backup would be fine.

It won't do anything in weekly.local; the weekly script doesn't handle
ROOTBACKUP. You could use a shell conditional in daily.local instead:

[ $(date +%a) == Sun ] && ROOTBACKUP=1

I advise against using ROOTBACKUP here though. It just dd's the
filesystem. If the run is taking a long time, there's a high chance that
your backup will not be consistent, both due to the filesystem changing
during a backup, and due to overwriting the old backup with the new one.

I would prefer to use almost anything else though and get versioned
backups. Probably my most used backup/restore action is to get back a
version of some file from yesterday so something that will only write
the changes is useful. I quite like borg for this but there are many

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