> On 2021-06-29, Sven F. <sven.falem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear readers,
>> I probably did something silly again,
>> Could you help with a bit of knowledge around performance ?
>> My openbsd CPU (6.8) is spinning a lot :
>>  0.0%Int  53.1%Spn  25.8%Sys  19.6%Usr   1.4%Idle

What command produces this output?  It doesn't look like 'top' to me.



>>  * Is this bad ?
>>  * What kind of basic operation ( like basic shell scripting ) could do that 
>> ? ?
>> Thank you,
> This means the kernel is spending a lot of time waiting for other CPUs
> to exit locked sections.
> First things first, try 6.9, the malloc cache implementation changed
> and that may help.

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